
Writing your book doesn't Have to be overwhelming. confusing. expensive. exhausting.

Writing Your Book Doesn't Have To Be Complicated... Turn Your Expertise into a Published Reality: Discover AI's Power in Our Exclusive Book Writing Workshop Demo.

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ON AIR | WORKSHOPS > Workshop Demo for Entrepreneurs & Experts

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Picture of Josiah Grimes

Josiah Grimes

An Arizona-based entrepreneur, investor and the CEO of, a software company focused on freeing the author in everyone.

Picture of Brandon Garland

Brandon Garland

A serial entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in building online businesses from the ground up.

It isn't just about writing; it's about unleashing the power of AI to bring your stories to life effortlessly...

  • Unlock the Secret of Instant Book Creation: Discover the magic of AI-powered manuscript generation!
  • Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy: Create captivating sales content simultaneously with your book!
  • Elevate Your Professional Credibility: Use your book as a stepping stone to get more clients, speaking gigs, collaborations, and more!

Learn for free today with our live and on air events, attend live at no cost to you!

You're 1 2 3 Simple Steps Away From Watching Your Book Come To Life:


It all starts with a BIG idea. Give MovableType your BIG idea for a book, and watch it get to work on turning your dream book into a reality.


Watch it expand upon your idea and generate a comprehensive book proposal on the back of a wealth of relevant research, a detailed outline and a strategic marketing plan.


Once you approve the book proposal the real magic happens. MovableType compiles a high quality first draft of your book (over 35,000 words, 150+ pages)… all in a few minutes!

Ai book generation is here...

Your big idea brought to life in years months days moments.

Create 10x 100x 1000x Faster

Idea to draft in 15 minutes. What most don’t consider when they want to write a book is the sheer investment of time it entails.

From initial brainstorming to drafting, revising, and proofreading, the process can stretch over months or even years. Writers often find themselves at the mercy of writer’s block, distractions, or simply the ebb and flow of creative energy.

MovableType streamlines this, transforming what might have been months of work into mere hours. With its AI-driven capabilities, the platform can draft, revise, and enhance content at unprecedented speeds, allowing you to produce a high-quality manuscript in a fraction of the time.

1/10th 1/100th 1/1000th The Cost

Ever thought of hiring a ghostwriter? Prepare to fork out a pretty penny. Top-notch ghostwriters can charge an arm and a leg, and that’s before any extra costs for edits or revisions. But, with MovableType, you can wave those wallet-draining days goodbye. For less than the price of a single ghostwriter’s fee, MovableType lets you craft numerous high-quality manuscripts tailored just for you. And the best part?… No waiting around for drafts or haggling over prices. With MovableType, you’re in the driver’s seat, getting pro-level content without the pro-level invoice.
I have my first book. So far amazing! I already have material for Linkedin articles, posts, Tweets (Xs), Newsletter and EECs (Educational email courses) Amazing! Thank you @Sean Vosler
Dennis Serrano

Work Where You Work

Moving between drafts, taking feedback, and reworking content can be time-consuming & tedious.

With MovableType’s native Google Doc integration, revisions become a breeze. Want to expand on a topic? Refine a section? Get ready for quick and seamless edits, keeping the process fluid and hassle-free.

MovableType blends the age-old charm of storytelling with the cutting-edge prowess of AI. It’s not just about writing a book; it’s about revolutionizing how we approach the entire process.

Tailor To Your Voice

While seasoned authors spend considerable time refining and understanding their voices, many new writers struggle to find or maintain theirs.

MovableType offers the unique advantage of personalization features, ensuring that your manuscript resonates with your authentic voice and, most importantly, your perspective. Instead of spending hours refining and redefining, you get a product that feels genuinely yours from the start.

You've Put Off Your Book For Far Too Long. Write Your Book Today, Not Someday

How MovableType Works...

Discover AI's Power in With this Incredible Software

Moving between drafts, taking feedback, and reworking content can be time-consuming & tedious.

With MovableType’s native Google Doc integration, revisions become a breeze. Want to expand on a topic? Refine a section? Get ready for quick and seamless edits, keeping the process fluid and hassle-free.

MovableType blends the age-old charm of storytelling with the cutting-edge prowess of AI. It’s not just about writing a book; it’s about revolutionizing how we approach the entire process.

Research Engine: conducts extensive, relevant research for your book. It collates data that compliments your insight and helps solidify the foundation of your narrative.

Detailed Book Outline: With your audience and big idea in mind, Mt. then creates a structured, detailed outline for your review and approval. This roadmap provides a clear path from start to finish, making your writing journey seamless and enjoyable.

Book Proposal Generation: From your original insight, creates a comprehensive book proposal that encapsulates the essence of your big idea. It’s a pitch-ready synopsis designed to grab attention and create interest.

Audience R&D: The tool goes beyond creating; it strategizes. develops an effective marketing plan, identifying your book’s target audience, and suggesting effective strategies to reach them.

Upon approval, crafts a first draft manuscript, exceeding 35,000 words (150+ pages). It’s your voice, amplified, enriched, and ready to resonate with readers worldwide.

Google Docs is where lots of our editing ends up being done these days anyways, so we’ve built google docs directly into the MovableType workflow. This allows you to share your manuscripts with anyone, and auto share with your team.

Write multiple books in hyper-specific niches to sell.

With MovableType, you’re not looking at a months-long or years-long writing marathon. That means you can dive into those ultra-niche markets most authors wouldn’t even bother with. It’s all about seizing those untapped opportunities!

Here are a few examples…

Niche: Grandparents
Demographic: Tech-savvy or tech-curious grandparents looking to connect with their tech-savvy grandchildren.

Niche: Vegan campers
Demographic: Vegans who love outdoor adventures and camping, seeking plant-based cooking tips and recipes for the wilderness.

Niche: Parents of twins with autism
Demographic: Parents of twins who are on the autism spectrum, looking for guidance on providing loving and mindful support.

Niche: Retired nurses
Demographic: Nurses who have retired or are nearing retirement age and want to explore entrepreneurship or start a new career.

Ready to Unlock MovableType Today?

Mt Pro+

Unmatched platform for authorship, this is for you if you "get it", you understand the value that a book can bring to your life & business...
  • 10x Books Generations Per Month
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • All Future Updates Included
Included With Mt Pro+
  • 🎭

    Book Proposal Generation
  • 📖

    150+ Page Per Book
  • 💸

    Marketing Campaigns
  • 🏎️

    Turbo Mode Default
    20x Speed
  • 🪑

    3x Team Seats
    Multi Account
  • 👋

    1-on-1 Slack Support
  • 📝

    Google™ Docs Integration
  • 🔀

    Instant Book Redo
  • 📣

    Author Voice Tone & Style
Roadmap Items Included...
  • 🔊

    Audio Books
  • 🎙️

    Interview Mode Builder
  • 💰

    Offer Infusion
  • 🈵

    50+ Language Translation & Generation
  • 🗃️

    Knowledge Base Integration
  • 👨‍🏫

    Course Creation
  • 🎧

    Podcast Series Creation
What is a credit? 1 Complete book generation = 1 credit. This includes all the basic marketing materials, author profiles, research generation, and anything else you'll need to bring your book project come to life!

Note: If you're not happy with a book you've generated, simply message us and we'll credit an extra credit to your... credits.

"But what will I do with 120 books per year?"

How Members Are Using MovableType...

They're leveraging MovableType as a ghost writing service for clients.

These savvy members use MovableType as their “secret weapon” for ghostwriting. Whether you’re running a business or just starting out, offering ghostwriting services is a game-changer. Why, you ask? Well, picture this: a killer book can reel in some top-notch leads for your clients. And if you’re an ad agency or a consultant, adding ghostwriting to your services can seriously boost the value you bring to the table and keep those customers returning for more. It’s a win-win!

Client Services

They're creating multiple books and skillfully weaving them together to craft one phenomenal read (including our CEO).

As Josiah mentioned during the workshop demo, his preferred method is writing 4-5 books on the same subject and cherry-picking the best chapters to create his final manuscript. Saves a great deal of editing time when there are multiple chapters available to choose from.

1 to Many

Niching down their main expertise into multiple books.

Another smart move is when folks in the fitness biz take what they know and break it down into a bunch of different books. You’ve probably seen it with fitness gurus who’s business rely on advertising. Instead of pushing just one book, they come up with all sorts of versions for different target audiences. Think CrossFit for moms, CrossFit for dads, and even CrossFit for busy entrepreneurs. But here’s the kicker: they all lead you to the same online course that’s all about rocking CrossFit and getting into tip-top shape. Sneaky, right?”

Niching Down

Meet MovableType's Founder: Sean Vosler

Founder: & Increase Academy
Author: 7 Figure Marketing Copy
Skills: #authorship, #copywriting, #generativeai, #artificialintelligence, #marketingandadvertising


Sean knows a thing or two about the struggle of translating one’s expertise into a coherent, captivating book. Through his journey to write his bestselling book, “7 Figure Marketing Copy,” he has come a long way on the journey of transforming bare ideas into powerful narratives.

Now he’s on a quest to help others capture their big ideas and profound experiences, shaping them into a narrative that echoes across the pages. Sean’s journey has taken him to the intersection of Generative AI and human creativity, a technology with a titillating promise, that everyone can become the author of their own story, even if writing and structure isn’t their forté.

If you’ve ever dreamt of writing a book but felt daunted by the journey, Sean is your guide to a world where your voice can be amplified and your story can finally take flight.

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