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The Video Marketing Blueprint: Igniting Your Coaching or Agency Business to Explosive Success.

The Video Marketing Blueprint: Igniting Your Coaching or Agency Business to Explosive Success.
Unlock the Power of Video Marketing and Create a Thriving Business in Just a Few Months.
Unlock the Power of Video Marketing and Create a Thriving Business in Just a Few Months.

Your Book's Introduction - "The Preface"

Congratulations! Your book aced the “judge a book by its cover” test. But the journey doesn’t stop there – next up is the intro or “Preface.” At this phase, MovableType carefully engineers the preface to serve as an engaging “sales letter” designed to hook your readers, keep them engaged, and start the bond that will be nurtured between you and the reader moving forward.

Most writers are tempted to only talk about themselves in the introduction, but this is the opportune time to help your reader understand why THEY will benefit from reading your book.

Paige Turner
Your Project Guide


"Video marketing is like a delicious dish: it should be delightful, surprising, and leave your audience wanting more." - Ken Okazaki

Welcome to "The Video Marketing Blueprint: Igniting Your Coaching or Agency Business to Explosive Success!" I am thrilled to have you as a reader and to embark on this journey together. In the pages that follow, we will explore the powerful world of video marketing and uncover the keys to creating a thriving coaching or agency business.

You may be wondering why I decided to write this book. Well, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, I met a talented coach who had a wealth of knowledge and experience. They were passionate about helping others and had a true gift for transformative coaching. However, there was one problem: despite their expertise, they struggled to attract clients and stand out in a crowded market.

As I listened to their frustrations, I realized that they were missing one key ingredient: video marketing. That's when it hit me - there are countless coaches and agency owners out there who are in the same boat. They have incredible skills, but they lack the guidance and knowledge to effectively promote themselves and reach their target audience through video. So, I set out to create a comprehensive guide that would unlock the power of video marketing specifically for coaches and agency owners.

In "The Video Marketing Blueprint," you will find step-by-step instructions, industry insights, and real-world examples that will empower you to take your business to new heights. We will dive into the art of crafting engaging and compelling videos, capturing attention with a punchy and memorable message, and leveraging the latest video marketing strategies to generate conversions.

But this book is about more than just techniques and tactics. It is about helping you tap into the full potential of video marketing and ignite your coaching or agency business to explosive success. Through hypothetical personal experiences, you will witness the transformative power of video marketing in action. You will see how individuals, just like you, have leveraged video to attract clients, establish themselves as leaders in their field, and ultimately create a thriving business.

Throughout the writing process, I have been inspired by the incredible individuals I have had the privilege of working with. From Tony Robbins to Richard Branson, Grant Cardone to Russell Brunson, these influential figures have taught me the true value of video marketing and have shown me what is possible when you harness its power. They have been a source of wisdom and motivation, and their insights have shaped every page of this book.

I am also incredibly grateful to the team who supported and contributed to the development of this book. Their dedication and expertise have been instrumental in bringing this vision to life, and I am forever thankful for their contribution.

So, to you, dear reader, I say thank you. Thank you for investing your time and attention in this book. I know that your time is valuable, and I am committed to delivering value in return. Together, we will unlock the secrets of video marketing and transform your coaching or agency business.

Now, I invite you to continue reading and immerse yourself in "The Video Marketing Blueprint." Whether you are a seasoned coach looking to expand your client base or an agency owner hoping to stand out from the crowd, this book is for you. No prior knowledge of video marketing is required - just an open mind and a willingness to embrace the power of video.

Thank you for your purchase and for joining me on this exciting journey. Let's dive in and discover the solutions you've been searching for!

Your First Chapter

The first chapter is like the front porch of a book. It invites your readers in, gives them a glimpse of what’s inside, and warmingly invites them to step through the door. MovableType crafts the first chapter to directly address the central issue or problem the book revolves around. This approach ensures that the initial chapter delivers a clear and compelling solution, setting the tone for the book’s overarching theme.

Paige Turner
Your Project Guide

Chapter 1: Quantity over Quality: Starting Strong with Video Marketing

The sparse morning light threaded through the gaps in the curtains, casting a lattice of warm gold across the clutter of cables and camera equipment scattered on the wooden floor. Jenna sat on the edge of her bed, the texture of the worn comforter bunching up beneath her fingers, staring at the small, blinking red light of the battery charger that whispered promises of untold stories yet to be captured.

Her mind—a once neatly cataloged library of film techniques and editing strategies—now felt like a room with too many doors, each one leading to a new challenge in the art of video marketing. She had visions of ice cracking under the weight of her ambition, a vivid metaphor for her leap of faith into an ocean of content creation where quantity, not quality, was the life raft endorsed by every successful vlogger she followed.

The hum of the city outside her window blended with the thrumming in her chest, a symphony of fear and excitement that fueled her resolve. Her phone chimed with a message from Marco, her impromptu cameraman, saying he'd be there in half an hour. It was time to create, to learn, to stumble, and to grow. She imagined her future self, sleek with the polish of experience, looking back at these moments with a nostalgic smile, knowing that every imperfect video was a step toward mastery.

She rose, stepping on the cool floorboards toward her makeshift studio corner. A cup of coffee sat abandoned on her desk, the steam long vanished into the indifferent air. Frames on the wall depicted her journey: her first shaky footage, the first comment from a stranger on the internet, the first time she dared to call herself a filmmaker. They were milestones that mattered less for their quality and more for the simple fact that they existed.

There was a rhythm to it all—the setting up of the tripod, the check for decent lighting, the refocusing of her mind away from the desire for perfection—it was a dance she was still learning the steps to, clumsy and unrefined, but hers. Jenna hit the record button and started speaking to the camera, her voice fluctuating between uncertainty and the burgeoning confidence of someone starting to understand the rules to a game everyone seemed to be playing.

In the streets below, life moved with a nonchalance that both comforted and intimidated her. She was a single, striving entity amongst a multitude of unknowing extras in the background scene of her day. They each had their own stories, their own audiences to captivate. But today, it was her narrative that would unfold, raw and unpolished, ready to be honed by the act of creation itself.

What would the Jenna of ten thousand videos later say to the Jenna of today?

Unleashing the Power of Ample Content in Video Marketing

The bustling digital marketplace is brimming with voices, each vying for a spotlight. As a coach or agency owner looking to ignite a spark in the dense forest of competition, you are confronted with an arsenal of tools, and among them, one shines distinctively: video marketing. But here lies an unconventional piece of wisdom that may initially jar the perfectionist within—embrace quantity over absolute quality. It's a mantra that calls for a prolific array of content, even at the expense of some polished sheen. This approach isn't a compromise; it's strategic groundwork for a burgeoning enterprise in the ferociously paced online world.

Why Bulk Before Brilliance? In the nascent stages of video marketing, concentration on volume becomes an accelerant for experience—an intimate dance with learning curves and the discovery of what truly resonates with your audience. It is a cycle where the very act of creation becomes your greatest educator. Remember, the digital realm is forgiving to the unfledged; the key is not just to appear, but to be present relentlessly.

As the foundation of your video marketing strategy, consistency is your battle cry. Beyond the keystones of learning and skill development, it promotes a dynamic relationship with your audience—one that thrives on regular engagement. Developing strategies to maintain a stream of content sustains the lifeline of your growing community without letting quality fall by the wayside.

The Blueprint for Igniting Video Marketing Success

At the heart of Chapter 1 lies the Video Marketing Blueprint Framework—a compass to navigate the uncharted territories of the digital video landscape. Aptly created for entrepreneurs and agency owners, this framework functions as an analytical guidepost for crafting a triumphant video marketing strategy. Herein, we will dissect the anatomy of this framework, understanding how each interconnected sinew contributes to the muscle of your marketing efforts.

Audience Analysis

This critical first step refuses to let you sail blind into the vast sea of potential viewers. By delving into demographic data, interests, and the unseen currents of pain points and preferences, we tailor our video content as a fine-tuned beacon directed towards our ideal audience.

Brand Messaging

With the essence of your brand's voice and the clarity of your message, your videos rise above mere noise. This step is about embedding the soul of your brand into every frame, ensuring each click of the play button echoes your unique selling proposition across the digital expanse.

Content Strategy

Converging the needs of your audience with the products of your intellect, this component charges you with crafting a content plan that's tantamount to preparing a feast—diverse, nourishing, and reflective of your brand's culinary expertise, whether that be educational tidbits, entertaining morsels, or promotional delicacies.

Production Plan

Possibly the most tactile step, the production plan assembles the tools—the technological cutlery—that bring your vision to life. It's not about having the flashiest kitchen but using what's within your grasp skillfully and resourcefully.

Distribution Strategy

Now, your videos are ready for the world, but they need wings. Our distribution strategy covers not just where to plant your content seeds, but also the nurturing—how to schedule and optimize video release for blossoming visibility.

Performance Tracking

Lastly, without measuring, how do we claim success or identify the need for recalibration? This final component instills a process for tracking vital metrics, ensuring that your strategy grows stronger through informed evolution rather than chance.

By contemplating each realm of this framework, you not only set the stage for your business's narrative but also how it unfolds. It's this understanding of the dynamics between content creation and authentic engagement that forms the roots of your video marketing ventures, anchoring your position in the ever-shifting soil of the digital realm.

Embarking on a Journey to Mount Mastery

As a prologue to the saga, this unwritten accord between quantity and constant evolution forms the crux of this revelatory journey through the realms of video marketing. You'll unearth the powers of efficient storytelling, understand the undercurrents of your unique approach, and embrace the richness of collaboration. Further, you will learn to wield the double-edged sword of authenticity and tailored strategies, ultimately mastering the technical arts to produce high-quality content consistently.

Through each chapter, like an alchemist transmuting base metals into gold, you will learn to transform simple ideas into compelling narratives, and distill it down through strategic distribution to the very essence of video marketing success. As you unfurl the tapestry of your own story, it's this very symbiosis between volume and gradual refinement that promises not just visibility but resonant presence and influence in your niche.

Let this chapter serve as your clarion call to embrace the robust path of prolific video creation. Here, we have laid out the framework and equipped you with the fortitude to begin forging your legacy—one video at a time.

The Vital First Step: Prioritizing Content Volume

When you’re stepping foot into the realm of video marketing, think of yourself as a farmer planting seeds. At the beginning, volume matters more than the rarefied quality of each seed. You shovel handfuls into the earth knowing that more seeds mean more sprouts. In a similar vein, your initial goal with video marketing should be to create and plant as many "content seeds" as possible. The truth is, not every video will germinate with your audience, but the more you plant, the higher your chances for growth.

It's a statistical game at the start. More videos mean more data points - views, likes, shares, comments - that inform you about your audience’s preferences. As you learn what they engage with most, your content can evolve more effectively. Think of each video as a line cast into the vast ocean of the internet; the more lines you have, the better your odds of catching something substantial.

Crafting videos in quick succession fosters a habit of creation. You'll develop a rhythm, combating the paralysis that often accompanies the pursuit of perfection. At times, you might wrestle with the desire to tweak a video indefinitely. However, remember that a video published, albeit imperfect, is infinitely more valuable than the perfect video that remains unpublished.

Each video is a learning opportunity. You'll discover what lighting flatters your set, which sound equipment captures your voice best, and even what time of day your energy peaks for recording. Mistakes made in one video become lessons for the next, cumulatively leading to a more refined production as time goes on. The key is to keep moving, keep creating, and let experience be your guide.

In the early phase of video marketing, quantity breeds vital experience and audience insight - pave your way to success with volume.

The Launchpad Framework: Crafting Your Video Marketing Strategy

Defining your target audience sets the stage. Like an archer carefully choosing their target, you must identify whom your content is intended for. Understand their demographics, their likes and dislikes, the problems they seek solutions for. As in archery, the better you know your target, the more accurate your shot will be.

Goals are your arrows - precise, clear, and directed. Whether it's increasing brand visibility or lead generation, your goals give purpose to the content you create. With them clearly in mind, every video you craft serves a strategic role, contributing to your overarching plan.

Scrutinizing your competitors is akin to knowing the terrain. Competition analysis illuminates the landscape and uncovers where the opportunities for distinction lie. Just as a good scout observes before acting, survey what others in your space are doing and find your unique vantage point.

Choosing the right platforms is like selecting the right battlefield. Each platform offers unique advantages and specific audience behaviors. YouTube's expanse may be fitting for detailed content, while Instagram's quick-paced environment may suit short, snappy clips. Align platform choices with where your audience dwells and where your content naturally fits.

A content plan is your map, dividing the formidable journey into manageable sections. It guides the types of videos to produce and the themes to explore. A well-charted content plan ensures no video is made in vain, each serving a purpose in the grand scheme.

The right equipment and production process are the backbone of your strategy. Like a blacksmith forges his tools, gather the necessary gear to create your art. Outline a repeatable process that breaks down video creation into approachable steps, ensuring smooth and consistent production workflow.

Distribution is about getting your arrows to fly as far and wide as possible. Consider the various channels - organic and paid - through which your videos will reach the audience. Having a strategy avoids the pitfall of creating content that goes unseen.

Evaluate your shots by tracking and analyzing performance. Analytics are your eyes, revealing what works and what doesn't. Pay attention to the feedback loop of views and engagement, and adjust your aim accordingly.

Continuous optimization ensures your efforts bear fruit. Iterate on your approach, test new formats, refine your topics, and adapt to the data you garner. The landscape of video marketing is ever-shifting; staying agile is fundamental to hitting the mark.

As you embark on creating a robust video marketing strategy, ask yourself: Are you equipped with a clear vision, and ready to adjust your focus as new insights come into play?

Building a Tower of Consistency

Imagine each of your videos as a brick. Some may be slightly odd-shaped, some a bit rough around the edges, but each contributes to building your brand's tower. Maintaining a steady supply of bricks is essential, but paying attention to the quality of the bricks ensures the tower stands tall and proud. Balancing quantity with quality is the craft of a wise builder.

It is a delicate dance to create content consistently without allowing the quality to plummet. Routines and systems are your friends. Like a train running on a set schedule, your process for video creation should be regular and dependable. The rhythm of production means expected content for your audience and a clear framework within which you create.

Delineating roles can be as important as a conductor in an orchestra. Maybe you are a one-person band or have a small team. Knowing who handles scripting, filming, editing, and distribution allows for smoother transitions from one video to the next. Each person becomes adept in their role, enhancing the overall output's quality.

Accessibility of tools and technologies eases the burden of creation. As a chef would keep his knives sharp, ensure your equipment is readily available and in good working order. Having a dedicated space or setup for filming can remove barriers to getting started and aid in maintaining a consistent output.

Part of the balance is recognizing that not all videos need to be blockbusters. Some content serves as touchpoints or updates for your audience, while others – the hero pieces – demand greater investment. Identifying the purpose of each video helps allocate your resources wisely, ensuring the important content receives the attention it deserves.

The art of repurposing maximizes your efforts. Like a magician turning a scarf into a dove, transform a piece of content across platforms and formats. Extract audio for podcasts, create bite-sized clips for social media, and write articles based on video scripts. Each iteration extends the reach of your original creation without starting from scratch.

The Equilibrium Sequence: Harmonizing Quantity and Quality

Define your target audience.

Getting to know your audience is the cornerstone of impactful video content. Who are they, what they care about, and why your message matters. The clearer this image, the stronger your foundation.

Set clear goals.

Clarity of purpose directs your energy and resources, carving out a path to measurable success. Each video should inch you closer to these explicit milestones.

Research your competition.

Awareness is power. A thorough survey of the competitive landscape ensures your content is not just another drop in the ocean, but a wave that stands out.

Choose the right video platforms.

Your message needs the right stage to shine. Select platforms that amplify your voice to the right ears, eyes, and hearts.

Create a content plan.

Your blueprint for creation has to balance regularity with resourceful allocation. It acts as a guide, ensuring no video is redundant.

Establish a production process.

Systemize the workflow to eliminate guesswork. A smooth production line equals consistent, quality output.

Develop a distribution strategy.

Your content needs wings to fly across the digital expanse. A smart distribution approach ensures it lands in the view of those who need to see it.

Monitor and analyze performance.

Responsive adjustments come from monitoring the echoes of your content. Data narrates the story of impact, guiding your next steps.

Iterate and optimize.

Refinement is a spiral climbing upwards. With each cycle, your strategy becomes more attuned to your objectives, your audience, and the market's pulse.

Blending the principles of volume with valuable content, define clear targets, and foster a cycle of perpetual refinement, all while building a tower of consistency. Your video marketing prowess grows with each brick laid, each lesson learned, creating a towering presence in the digital landscape.

As we wrap up this chapter, I hope you're feeling motivated and excited about the possibilities that lie ahead with video marketing. By prioritizing quantity over quality when starting out, you are setting yourself up for success.

Remember, the key is to consistently produce videos, even if they are not perfect. Through this process, you will gain valuable experience and improve your skills. Just like any other endeavor, practice makes perfect. Think of it as honing your craft and getting better with each video you create.

I know it can be tempting to wait until you have all the right equipment or until you've mastered the art of video editing, but trust me, that will only slow you down. Your audience is waiting to hear your message and connect with you. Don't keep them waiting.

By consistently producing content, you can also learn what resonates with your audience. You will start to see patterns and gain valuable insights into what your viewers want to see more of. Use this information to refine your content and provide even more value to your audience.

Now, I want to address a concern that may be lingering in your mind. You may be wondering, "But what about the quality of my videos? Won't sacrificing quality deter viewers?" And that's a valid concern.

While it's true that quality is important, especially as you grow your audience and establish your brand, it's important to strike a balance. Remember, this is a journey, and with each video you create, you will learn and grow. As you become more experienced and comfortable behind the camera, you can focus on improving the quality of your videos.

But here's the secret: you can maintain a consistent output of content without sacrificing quality. It's all about finding strategies that work for you and your schedule. Whether it's batching your video production, creating a content calendar, or enlisting the help of a team, there are ways to ensure that you consistently produce high-quality videos.

So, as we conclude this chapter, I want you to carry with you the understanding that quantity over quality should be your focus when starting out with video marketing. Embrace the journey, enjoy the process, and let your passion shine through in your videos.

In the next chapter, we will delve deeper into the foundations of video marketing and explore how to create compelling content that resonates with your audience. Get ready to unlock the power of video marketing and ignite your coaching or agency business to explosive success. You're just a few chapters away from transforming your business and creating a thriving future.


It's time to unlock your next chapter.
Here's a sneak peak at the next 9 chapters you can unlock with MovableType...

Chapter 1: Quantity over Quality: Starting Strong with Video Marketing

  • Learning Objective 1: Understand the importance of prioritizing quantity when starting out with video marketing.
  • Learning Objective 2: Learn how consistent video production can accelerate learning and skill development.
  • Learning Objective 3: Discover strategies to maintain a consistent output of content without sacrificing quality.

Chapter 2: The Content Framework Formula: Generating Impactful Videos Efficiently

  • Learning Objective 1: Grasp the concept of a content framework and its role in video creation.
  • Learning Objective 2: Learn how to craft a clear message and engaging storytelling in your videos.
  • Learning Objective 3: Understand the significance of a strong call-to-action and how to incorporate it into your videos.

Chapter 3: Uniqueness Trumps Imitation: Finding Your Own Approach in Video Marketing

  • Learning Objective 1: Recognize the importance of developing your own unique video marketing strategies.
  • Learning Objective 2: Identify the underlying principles that contribute to the success of industry leaders.
  • Learning Objective 3: Learn effective methods for adapting and applying successful strategies to your own identity and target audience.

Chapter 4: The Power of Collaboration: Enhancing Your Video Marketing Skills

  • Learning Objective 1: Understand the benefits of working with professionals in video production.
  • Learning Objective 2: Learn how to seek out and collaborate with industry experts.
  • Learning Objective 3: Explore techniques for utilizing professional feedback to refine your video marketing strategies.

Chapter 5: Video Marketing for Coaches and Agency Owners: Boosting Services and Attracting Clients

  • Learning Objective 1: Recognize the significance of video marketing for coaches and agency owners in today's digital landscape.
  • Learning Objective 2: Learn effective methods for showcasing expertise and attracting clients through videos.
  • Learning Objective 3: Understand how video marketing sets coaches and agency owners apart from competitors and establishes them as industry leaders.

Chapter 6: Authenticity in Video Marketing: Connecting on a Deeper Level

  • Learning Objective 1: Understand the importance of leveraging authenticity in video marketing.
  • Learning Objective 2: Explore ways to showcase genuine personality, stories, and expertise in videos.
  • Learning Objective 3: Learn how authenticity builds trust and fosters meaningful connections with the audience.

Chapter 7: Tailoring Video Marketing Strategies: Understanding Industry and Target Audience Differences

  • Learning Objective 1: Recognize the importance of adapting video marketing strategies to different industries.
  • Learning Objective 2: Learn how to tailor video marketing techniques to specific target audiences.
  • Learning Objective 3: Understand the significance of exploring various perspectives and schools of thought in video marketing.

Chapter 8: Mastering Technical Aspects: Creating High-Quality Content

  • Learning Objective 1: Gain a solid understanding of the technical aspects of video production.
  • Learning Objective 2: Learn how to choose the right equipment, optimize lighting and sound, and edit videos effectively.
  • Learning Objective 3: Explore techniques to enhance visual and audio quality in videos.

Chapter 9: The Art of Storytelling: Engaging and Captivating Your Audience

  • Learning Objective 1: Understand the importance of storytelling in video marketing.
  • Learning Objective 2: Learn how to craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your target audience.
  • Learning Objective 3: Discover strategies for creating emotionally impactful videos that inspire action.

Chapter 10: Strategic Distribution and Promotion: Reaching Your Target Audience Effectively

  • Learning Objective 1: Recognize the significance of strategic distribution and promotion in video marketing.
  • Learning Objective 2: Learn how to leverage social media channels for video distribution.
  • Learning Objective 3: Understand the importance of partnerships and search engine optimization (SEO) in maximizing the reach and impact of your videos.
"The Video Marketing Blueprint: Igniting Your Coaching or Agency Business to Explosive Success."

By: Ken Okazazki

A note from the founder..

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As the founder of, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of turning a single idea into a complete, structured book. It’s not just about writing; it’s about bringing your vision to life, and structuring your expertise into a narrative your readers will actually benefit from.

Your decision to complete your first chapter has already put you miles ahead of your competition, and a choice that could very well redefine your professional (and personal life) in a huge way.

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Often, the challenge isn’t what to say, but how to say it, and most likely what’s keeping you staring at a blinking cursor facing writer’s block. Or worse, paying outrageous fees toward a ghostwriter and hoping they get it right the first time. Hint: most of the time they miss the mark completely, costing you additional revision fees.

Our platform is designed to help you avoid that, and overcome the common hurdles of book writing, like organizing ideas, maintaining a consistent flow, providing frameworks, addressing problems, providing solutions, and ensuring that each chapter contributes to your readers’ success.

Remember, the first chapter is just the beginning; there’s plenty more of your story to be told. As you continue your journey with, you’ll find that each subsequent chapter brings you closer to making your dream book a reality.

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About Your Book

The Problem The core problem that this book solves for its readers is the lack of knowledge and guidance on video marketing specifically tailored to coaches and agency owners. Without a comprehensive understanding of video marketing strategies and techniques, these individuals may struggle to effectively promote their businesses and generate conversions through video content.

The Promise: How to Master Video Marketing for Coaches and Agency Owners + Generate Conversions + in a Few Months + without Feeling Overwhelmed.

The Pain: A common pain point for readers is the overwhelming nature of the video marketing landscape and the hesitation to invest in professional assistance. Many coaches and agency owners may feel unsure about where to start, what content to create, and how to effectively differentiate themselves from industry leaders. Additionally, the lack of resources tailored specifically to their industry can make it challenging to implement successful video marketing strategies on their own. This book serves as a comprehensive guide, addressing these pain points and providing step-by-step instructions and insights to overcome these challenges.

The Results By the end of the book, readers will have a deep understanding of how to implement video marketing strategies successfully in their coaching or agency businesses. They will learn how to create high-quality videos with a punchy and memorable message, allowing them to effectively engage their target audience and promote their services. Additionally, they will gain insights into industry best practices and the importance of differentiation, empowering them to develop unique video marketing approaches tailored to their specific niche.

Time Frame The time frame for reaching the goal of mastering video marketing as a coach or agency owner will vary depending on individual commitment, effort, and existing knowledge. However, with consistent practice, application of the content framework provided, and willingness to adapt and improve, readers should be able to see significant progress within a few months. Continued refinement of their video marketing techniques over time will lead to long-term success.

About Your Reader

Reader Situation Our target reader is likely in a state of frustration and uncertainty, feeling stuck in their current marketing strategies and struggling to gain traction in their business. They may feel overwhelmed by the potential of video marketing and unsure of how to effectively implement it to achieve their goals. After reading the book and putting its advice into practice, they will feel empowered and confident in their video marketing abilities. Their business will thrive as they successfully engage their target audience, and they will have a clear roadmap for generating conversions and making a significant impact in their industry.

Profile The ideal reader for this book is a coach or agency owner who is eager to leverage the power of video marketing to promote their services and generate conversions. They have a basic understanding of the importance of video marketing but lack specific knowledge and guidance tailored to their industry. They may feel overwhelmed by the video marketing landscape, unsure of where to start and how to stand out from industry leaders. Their interests lie in expanding their client base and establishing themselves as leaders in their field.

About the Author

Ken Okazaki is a highly accomplished individual in the field of video marketing and content creation. He has spent a major part of his career working with renowned individuals such as Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Grant Cardone, and Russell Brunson, among others, who are not only talented but also have a strong impact on the world. Ken's company, GoBox Studio, offers a range of services including done-for-you video production, marketing services, and video coaching programs. Additionally, Ken also heads 20xAgency, which specializes in curating, editing, and syndicating videos across various platforms to help businesses dominate their industries.

With GoBox Studio, Ken has introduced a unique and convenient concept in the form of the world's most portable professional video studio. By designing a carry-on size studio that can be set up in two minutes or less, Ken has provided businesses with a practical solution for their video production needs. This innovation allows entrepreneurs to create professional-quality videos with ease, enhancing their online presence and marketing strategies.

Through his company 20xAgency, Ken aims to streamline the video marketing process for businesses. By curating, editing, and syndicating videos across all platforms, he enables brands to dominate their respective industries without getting tangled in the technical aspects of video production and distribution. This service saves businesses time and effort, allowing them to focus on their core operations while still reaping the benefits of video marketing.

Apart from his company ventures, Ken also hosts a podcast called "The Content Capitalists." The podcast features conversations with businesses and brands that have achieved financial success through content-driven strategies. In these episodes, Ken dives into the details of their journey and explores how content creation has become a key driver for their accomplishments. By sharing these stories, Ken provides valuable insights and inspiration for entrepreneurs looking to leverage content to boost their own businesses.

In terms of his education and employment background, Ken's expertise is well-rounded. He pursued his studies in Business Administration, Management, and Operations at the Anthony Robbins Mastery University from 2009 to 2013. Prior to that, he attended Chiba International School from 1990 to 1997. Although the details of his time at 21st Century International School Tokyo are not provided, it can be inferred that Ken has a solid educational foundation.

Ken has assumed various roles throughout his career, demonstrating his entrepreneurial mindset and leadership abilities. He founded Oz Media Global in 2016, which is currently his primary focus. Before that, he served as the CEO of Wealth Creation K.K. from 2014 to 2016 and as the CEO and Director of Merlin Creation from 2011 to 2016. Ken also co-founded Mind Life Solutions in 2014 and held the position of Creative Director at Speed Coaching from 2010 to 2014. His role at Activate Japan, an international multimedia production company, spanned from 2007 to 2010.

With this extensive background and experiences working with influential individuals, it can be inferred that Ken Okazaki holds certain values and beliefs in his professional endeavors. He clearly believes in the power of video marketing and content creation as tools for business growth. By partnering with renowned figures, Ken strives to make a positive impact through his work. He values simplicity and convenience, evident from his creation of the portable video studio and his company's streamlined video marketing services. Additionally, through his podcast, Ken emphasizes the importance of content-driven strategies in achieving financial success. Overall, his experiences, education, and ventures showcase a commitment to helping businesses thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Author Style Guide

How to Write in the Tone and Style of Ken Okazaki

Ken Okazaki is a highly accomplished individual in the field of video marketing and content creation. His writing style is characterized by simplicity, impact-driven messaging, and a focus on practical solutions for businesses. To write in the tone and style of Ken Okazaki, it is essential to adopt the following attributes:

1. Clarity and Simplicity: Ken Okazaki values simplicity and believes in delivering clear, concise messages. His writing style is straightforward, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex language. When writing in his tone and style, aim for clarity and simplicity to ensure the message is easily understood by the audience.

2. Impact-Driven Messaging: Ken Okazaki associates himself with influential individuals and focuses on making a positive impact through his work. To emulate his tone and style, ensure that your writing reflects a strong sense of purpose and carries a clear message that resonates with the reader.

3. Practicality and Convenience: Ken Okazaki is known for his innovative solutions that offer practicality and convenience. Whether it's his portable video studio or his streamlined video marketing services, his focus is on providing businesses with practical tools and services that enhance their online presence. When writing in his tone and style, emphasize practicality and convenience as key factors and showcase how your content or services can benefit the reader.

4. Inspirational and Motivational: Through his podcast, "The Content Capitalists," Ken Okazaki shares inspiring stories of businesses and brands that have achieved financial success through content-driven strategies. To write in his tone and style, incorporate inspirational and motivational elements in your writing. Share success stories, provide valuable insights, and inspire readers with actionable strategies.

5. Expertise and Confidence: Ken Okazaki's extensive background and experiences indicate a wealth of knowledge and expertise in video marketing and content creation. His tone and style exude confidence, demonstrating his belief in the power of these tools for business growth. Reflect this expertise and confidence in your writing by providing insightful information, industry-related tips, and clear strategies.

6. Results-Oriented Approach: Ken Okazaki's focus is on helping businesses succeed. His company offers a range of services, from video production and marketing to coaching programs and syndication. When writing in his tone and style, adopt a results-oriented approach. Showcase the benefits and outcomes that your content, services, or strategies can bring to businesses, emphasizing the positive impact on their growth and success.

7. Humility: Despite working with renowned figures and achieving success in his field, Ken Okazaki remains humble. His writing style does not boast or focus solely on personal achievements, but instead centers on the value he can provide to others. In your writing, maintain humility by highlighting the benefits to the reader and the positive impact your content or services can have on their journey.

By incorporating these tone and style attributes in your writing, you can effectively capture the essence of Ken Okazaki's approach to video marketing and content creation.

Non-Fiction Author Similar to Ken Okazaki's Style

A non-fiction author whose writing style is similar to Ken Okazaki's would be Gary Vaynerchuk. Both individuals share a passion for entrepreneurship, marketing, and helping others achieve success. Gary Vaynerchuk's writing style is energetic, straightforward, and focused on providing practical advice and inspiration to entrepreneurs. Like Ken Okazaki, he values simplicity and delivers impactful messages with clarity. By studying Gary Vaynerchuk's writing style, you can further enhance your ability to write in Ken Okazaki's tone and style.

Fiction Author to Enhance Ken Okazaki's Writing Style

To enhance Ken Okazaki's writing style, consider the works of Malcolm Gladwell. While Gladwell is primarily known for his non-fiction, he seamlessly weaves storytelling and case studies into his writing, making his work engaging and relatable. Adopting Gladwell's storytelling techniques can add depth and richness to Ken Okazaki's writing style, enabling him to connect with readers on a deeper level while still maintaining the clarity and practicality that define his approach.

The Story Section

From the very beginning, stories have been a huge part of our lives. They don’t just capture our imagination; they inspire us, tug at our emotions, and stick with us long after we’ve turned the last page. That’s why MovableType injects each chapter with a compelling story that builds on each other, contributing to the overall narrative your readers will remember. The goal for each story in each chapter is to build connection with the reader, to make sure they know that we understand their situation.

Paige Turner
Your Project Guide
Your Chapter Introduction
Just as the preface sets the stage for the entire book, the chapter intro provides readers with an overview of the key insights covered in the chapter. The goal being to foreshadow the benefits of reading the chapter. Additionally, it roughly outlines the structure of the chapter, making it easier for readers to follow the arguments and learning objectives. Overall, MovableType is designed to craft each chapter introduction to enhance readability, comprehension, and engagement with the text.
Paige Turner
Your Project Guide
Insights Sections

MovableType works by expanding & iterating upon your core concept, your “big idea”, and pulling from vast amounts of research to create a collection of insights to share with the reader. Think of insights as a treasure trove of knowledge, each waiting to be discovered by our reader, each leading to the all-powerful ‘eureka’ moment. From there, each chapter builds on the topic, offering your readers the answers they need to overcome their challenges.

The result? More trust that you’re THE expert and ultimately building your credibility.

Paige Turner
Your Project Guide
Your Chapter's Conclusion
This is where everything gets brought together, reminding readers of the main points and showing how they fit into the bigger picture of your book. It’s like a brief pause that lets you digest what you’ve read and prepares you for what’s coming next. It’s engineered to ensure your readers truly understand the core concerts of the chapter. Each chapter leads into the next building a cohesive collection of knowledge in a well defined structure.
Paige Turner
Your Project Guide

The Video Marketing Blueprint: Igniting Your Coaching or Agency Business to Explosive Success.

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You see, the tough part of writing a book isn’t so much accumulating the knowledge & insights, or even writing out reasonably good stories & evidence to support those ideas. The tough part is giving the idea’s structure in a way that others, particularly those you want to help, can easily understand.

Maybe that’s why you gave up on your book, I know my first draft of my first book almost completely demoralized me from continuing.

But what if you could START from a delightfully well structured first draft of your “dream book”?

That’s the question that MovableType answers. That’s the “promise” that drove us to build this platform.

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